Why we’re here.

We are a group of volunteers that believe that effective, balanced policy and legislation can only occur when all key stakeholders are engaged and have a seat at the table. Our goal is to empower you to have a say in the decisions that directly affect you and your family.

Together we can make change happen!

Richmond Neighbors Unite!

Photo Credit Tony Tamayo

  • I was born and raised in Richmond and have had family here since the 40s. I love living in Richmond and want to see us have a better image. I’m a second-generation Californian and have been a community volunteer for many years.

    I believe that if enough people speak out, change can happen. My philosophy is to treat people as you want to be treated as we are all equal.

  • I’ve lived in Richmond for over a decade, with family ties the the city that span close to 50 years. Over the past several years, my interest in city issues has led me to become a community organizer, appointed city board member, and a City Council candidate in 2020. I’m also a local small business owner, working in the building and real estate trades.

    Naturally, my main focus is housing, but I believe all city issues are interconnected in some manner and need attention. My volunteer, business, and community involvement keep fueling my passion to work towards a better Richmond.

  • Raised in the Fairmede Hilltop area, District 4. Lived in Richmond since the early 60’s. Learned to speak English here and Naturalized in 1979. Love Richmond and only want the best for all. My philosophy! “What’s fair to you, should be fair to me, and what’s fair to me, should be fair to you.” Equity for all!

Meet your neighbors: